Q. What is yorba canyon, llc

A. For over a decade, the principals of locally owned Yorba Canyon, LLC have owned much of the property at 23621-23741 La Palma Blvd. which is the eastern most shopping and lifestyle center in Yorba Linda, CA bordered by rail lines and bluffs to the north, industrial property to the east, high density condos and industrial properties for over 1.5 miles to the west, and the Santa Ana River and 91 freeway corridors to the south.


Q. what is the yorba canyon community proposal?

A. Approved by the city for circulation with voters, the Yorba Canyon Community Proposal strictly cuts the 2022 certified city and state residential plans for the property by almost 15% which helps create a Class A garden style residential and lifestyle center with neighborhood serving retail and restaurants that buffers existing homes from the industrial properties nearby.